Kokum butter is an oil derived from the seeds of a fruit-bearing tree called the Kokum trees — formally known as Garcinia indica — They are primarily cultivated in tropical regions of India. The fruit and seeds of the kokum tree are used in cosmetic applications.
It works great as a natural emulsifier or hardening agent for homemade cosmetics. It is basically made up of stearic and oleic fatty acids.
It is most popularly used as an ingredient in topical cosmetic and personal care products, including makeup, lotions, soaps, balms, and salves.
Kokum butter has guaranteed remarkably all-round and functional ingredient in a variety of cosmetic skin care products.
Kokum butter is probably best known for its role as a potent emollient, or moisturizing agent.
It can be used to improve the moisture content of almost every part of the body, including your skin, lips, feet, scalp, and hair.
Unlike other similar types of plant-based butters, kokum butter is not very heavy. It’s absorbed into the skin easily, so you’re not left with a greasy feeling after application. The moisturizing nature of the butter — along with the antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity of the compounds found in kokum fruit — may be the reason behind its strong potential for soothing various inflammatory skin conditions.
. Easily absorbs into the skin
. Restores moisture to dry skin, hair and scalp.
. May soothe inflamed skin.
. Treats acne
. Reduces visible signs of aging
. Treats dry skin and hair
. Doesn’t clog your pores
. Has a neutral scent
. Structural stability.
Solubility:Oil soluble.
Usage rate: 1-100%
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