Tamanu oil (also known as calophyllum oil) carrier oil that is pressed from the seeds of the tamanu fruit from South East Asia.
Tamanu oil has more fatty acid content than many other oils, making it mostly advantageous for addressing dry skin. It has anti bacterial and healing properties, and is used as an emollient in skincare products.
. Moisturizes
. Helps promote a healthier hair
. Anti-inflammatory effect
. It stimulates collagen production to promote wound healing.
. Has some antibacterial properties, particularly against the bacteria associated with acne, those with dry skin, as well as those with minor acne and scarring, or people looking for an oil with anti-aging benefits.
. It contains antioxidants, which fight against damage from free radicals.
INCI: Calophyllum Inophyllum seed oil
Usage rate:1-100%
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